[069] What to say: 5 Keys to your success

[069] What to say: 5 Keys to your success

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First, we need to talk about the 3 biggest mistakes job seekers make when they’re networking:

The 3 biggest mistakes job seekers make:  

1. They start a conversation with “I need a new job.” 

2. They ask for too much too soon. They might start off REALLY well … like “Hi! We’ve got 13 mutual connections, and we haven’t met yet? Wow! Looks like we have some other things in common, too … like we’re both Tommies (went to the same college).” That’s a GREAT opener! And then, before the person has responded to them, they go on to ask for something. Unless you know someone well, you should never ask for anything until they reply to you. I promise: the conversation will lead to that … but not if you go for gold (ask for help) right away.

3. The initial message is all about their own needs … with no apparent interest or concern for helping the other person.

5 Keys to your message success on LinkedIn:

1.Know what you want … but know this: your #1 goal is to get them to reply … NOT to get a job right away. Think about that. Your goal is simply to get them to respond to you. Focusing on that will make it much easier to write that first message in a way that will make them want to reply to you. Yes, you need to ask yourself “Is it worth my time to reach out? Why?” as well as “What do I hope to get out of this relationship?” But then, keep your own needs & wants to yourself until they have replied to your initial chat.

2.Think of some ways you might be able to help the other person. Most of the time, you won’t know until you ask that question … but if they’re in the same industry, for instance, maybe they need help connecting with other industry leaders.

3.Research the person. LinkedIn makes this so easy! But you can google them, too.

  • Do you have anything in common? (Mutual connections, career, college, former employers, community, hobbies, etc.) Pssst! If you got his / her name by referral, is is CRITICAL to remember who referred you, and let them know how things turn out!
  • Has the person done anything public recently (written an article, sung on stage, built a house for Habitat for Humanity, won an industry award)
  • Personality: If you’re getting referred, ask your referral partner for tips on how to connect to this person.

4.Use one of my scripts to reach out (next section). Tweak it to make it sound like you, but I can tell you that my scripts work.

5.Breathe. Take your time. And focus first on the other person.