[137] Fears about hiring older workers

[137] Fears about hiring older workers

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This list is hard to read, but it’s the truth. Put yourself in the shoes of a hiring manager. Think about whether or not you’ve worked with someone who was older who exhibited some of these behaviors. Employers are looking for more than simply “can she do the job?” They are trying to make sure that you will be happy, productive and that you will stay (not quit at the first new job that comes along OR when the stock market ticks up again). The good news is, there ARE things you can do to overcome these concerns… even if some of them are true for you. Maybe you WOULD rather be retired! That doesn’t mean you can’t get a great job right now.

Download – 15 Ways to “age-proof” your resume and LinkedIn profile

Download – The 7 Concerns about hiring the “older crowd”