[074] Top 10 Reasons for Rejection

[074] Top 10 Reasons for Rejection

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75% of people get rejected immediately …

because their resume has not been formatted properly, or because they failed to follow the directions. UGH! Let’s make sure that does not happen to you!

Top 10 Reasons for Rejection

  1. 75% – Not optimizing (formatting) resume for the ATSs
  2. 50% – Not qualified! Must match all required skills.
  3. Saying “NO” to required skills (like Bachelor’s degree)
  4. Keywords on resume do not match the job posting
  5. No dates on resume (required data fields)
  6. Not following directions on the application
  7. Ignoring (not answering) the screening questions
  8. Leaving sections blank on the application
  9. Applying to outdated postings
  10. Applying for multiple unrelated positions

*Forbes, BLS, Glassdoor.com, CNN, TheUnderCoverRecruiter.com, Wall Street Journal, The Ladders

 Download – Top 10 Reasons for Rejection*