[036] Tell your best story: STAR stories

[036] Tell your best story: STAR stories

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Now it’s time to clean up all those SUCCESS STORIES (proudest accomplishments) you jotted down last week. Your STAR stories are your “greatest hits.” The thing is, NOBODY wants your 3-minute edition of how you saved a client or rescued a dying product or won a top award for quality. They want to see or hear it at-a-glance … on your resume and in a job interview. BONUS: These stories won’t make you stand-out in your next job interview. They will actually GET YOU that job interview!

Your STAR stories will become …

  1. The sizzle at the top of your resume
  2. The “wow” factor at the top of your LinkedIn profile
  3. The sizzle in your personal introduction (“Tell me about yourself”)
  4. The reason people will remember you
  5. The reason recruiters will reach out to you
  6. The thing that puts you first in line for an interview
  7. The thing that helps you interview with confidence
  8. The thing that makes you#1 candidate

Download – STAR Stories