[109] What to do if they go quiet

[109] What to do if they go quiet

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  1.  Never assume anything! Ask.
  2. Get honest: Do you really want the job? Is it worth the chase?
  3. Get honest: How did your last interview or conversation go? Did they say
    you were a top contender? Did they have concerns about you, and did you
    overcome them?
  4. Revisit what they said about the timeline (if anything).
  5. Ask your inside champion (friend or referral) … if you have one.
  6. Call and leave 1 voicemail + send 1 email
  7. After that, call but do not leave a voicemail for another 1-2 weeks
  8. Be pleasantly persistent (not desperate!)

Download – What to do when they stop talking to you