[007] Know what makes you great: Key skills & achievements

[007] Know what makes you great: Key skills & achievements

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You are a rock star. You really are! The trouble is, you don’t know it yet. Or, maybe one day you knew it, but you’ve forgotten. You’ve been working so hard to just get your job done, you haven’t stopped to admire your handiwork. That’s where I come in. Walkthrough this set of exercises to capture all your terrific skills and achievements … before the job search makes you start to question yourself. You will need to know your greatest skills, strengths, and accomplishments to write an effective resume & LinkedIn profile. You will also need them when you start interviewing. It is SO MUCH easier to capture these now … before your job search makes you start to question yourself. Brain dump! What do you do well? Write it all down! Anything that comes to mind is good!

Download – Key Skills & Achievements